I write both fiction and non-fiction, from short to full length. A common theme is social commentary – often with a touch of humour. My favourite topics are the environment and conservation, the arts, our political leaders (guess who!) and current events. Whatever the topic, animals frequently feature.
I live in Teddington with my two adorable cats. When I can force myself to leave them, I love going on wildlife photography trips. As well as the big five, I’ve seen polar bears and walruses in the Arctic, bears in Canada, jaguars in the Pantanal and the lemurs of Madagascar. Tigers are top of my still-to-see list.
As well as my creative writing, I write as a volunteer for the Motor Neurone Disease Association. I write the West London and Middlesex Branch newsletter and help with our website pages. I plan to use my writing to promote animal welfare too.
So that’s me: lots of writing and quite a few photos!